betel nut; areca (a berry) 檳榔
betel nut plantation; betel nut farm; betel nut forest; 檳榔園
areca plantation; areca farm檳榔園
betel nut tree; areca palm(s) 檳榔樹
mild stimulant溫和的興奮劑
a pick-me-up 提神酒飲
labor-intensive 勞力密集
group 1 carcinogen 一級致癌物
mountain slopes, hillside land, mountainsides山坡地
soil and water conservation, water retention in the soil 水土保持
The financial rewards of growing betel nut are considerable. 種植檳榔的經濟報酬率極高。
Betel nut was Taiwan’s second largest cash crop after rice. 檳榔為台灣僅次於稻米、產值第二大的農作物。
The main advantage of betel nut is that it doesn’t take much labor. You don’t have to manage it that much, you don’t have to use pesticides or do so much other work. It’s just weeding twice a year at most, usually just once a year. You only need to fertilize once a year, not like other crops, which need to be fertilized at least three or four times. 種檳榔最主要就是它省工,不用怎麼去管理、也不用噴藥,其它方面的工作這麼多,你一年最多就是除兩次草,一般都是除一次草,施肥也只有一次,不像其它作物,至少都要三、四次以上
A betel nut tree is like a broken umbrella. When it rains, the betel nut leaves can’t divert any of the water. In fact, when the rain falls from the sky, if the ground is not protected by any cover or stones, the rain will pound directly on the soil. 檳榔樹跟一把破雨傘一樣,雨打它沒辦法截流一些水,甚至水滴從高空打下來那些地表的話,沒有被一些覆蓋或石頭保護的話,就會被雨水沖擊。