介紹各朝代著名文物 (例如,明代白玉鰲魚花插/Jade vase in the shape of a horned fish)。
鰲魚(horned fish):legendary creature、龍頭魚身、典故、寓意鯉(carp fish)躍龍門、獨占鰲頭(be the champion; gain the first place; stand first on the list)
介紹琺瑯瓷(壽字、龍、龍爪、卍)、魁星踼斗/Planter with a coral carving of the planetary deity Kuixing(故事、鰲魚、梅枝(plum branch)、五福(蝠)臨門)、掐絲兼畫琺瑯酥油茶罐/Cloisonné and painted enamel butter tea jar(清朝以西藏陶製酥油茶罐為設計概念製作出這藝品)、象牙球、德國木製多層套杯/wooden goblet、如意(台北101)、橄欖舟、多寶格(curio box)。
In the Qin Dynasty, the 5-clawed dragon was assigned to represent the Emperor while the 4-clawed and 3-clawed dragons were assigned to the commoners.
卍 -> wish somebody a long life
an inlaid wooden box 嵌花木盒
the planter inlaid with gold and precious stones 嵌金與寶石的花架
The wooden nesting(嵌套) cups of the Qing court are a series of stacked cups (50, 100 or 150 in a set), paper-thin and graduated in size, that were carved entirely from wood and assembled within a wooden goblet.
介紹:壁面(天王、唐仕女俑、嬰兒枕)、明永樂3類著名porcelain(紅、甜白、青花瓷)、(鎏金坐佛(佛教))、新年主題畫展(set off firecrackers、乾隆(4 萬首詩))、壁面(鬥彩雞缸杯(chicken cup)、青花五彩百鹿尊(裝飾常用的吉祥圖案:花瓶、鹿、蝴蝶、蝙蝠…)、(轉心瓶、蓮花溫碗)、(鎏金坐佛(佛教))
永樂皇帝的瓷器中,最具代表性的是甜白、青花及紅釉瓷器(The porcelains that best represent those made for the Yongle emperor are so-called “sweet white,” underglaze-blue, and red-glazed ones.)。
祿(happiness; prosperity;official pay; salary)。鹿音同「祿」,故百鹿又象徵「百祿」。
介紹銅器:大鼎(補毛公鼎未說之處(cookware)、animal mask motif)、散盤/San P’an, Late Western Chou Dynasty、簽約、水器)、銅器的作用(烹飪(大鼎)、淨手水器(散盤)、酒器、蒸器)、不同時代不同圖騰(different fashions from animal mask motif(西周)to hunting with a spear(戰國/The Warring States Period)、秦統一文字、度量衡
In the performance of rituals, the types and numbers of vessels employed - whether food, wine, water, or musical vessels - were functions of the position or rank of the personage conducting the ceremony. Under the system of ceremonial procedures, bronze ritual objects were generally referred to as ritual vessels as a reflection of this.
Pixiu is the Dragon King’s ninth son. Gold, silver, jewels and all other treasures are the Pixiu’s staple food. One day, maybe because it had eaten too much, it relieved its bowels in the Jade Emperor’s palace. The angry Emperor beat it and removed its anus. When news spread among the Chinese people, they regarded the Pixiu as an auspicious animal that can help in making fortunes.
故宮毛公鼎 (National Palace Museum - Cauldron of Duke Mao)